Islamiyat For Kids Course

Course Overview:

The Islamiyat For Kids Course is a specially designed program aimed at providing children with a foundational understanding of Islam in an engaging and age-appropriate manner. This course covers the basics of Islamic beliefs, practices, and morals, ensuring that young learners develop a strong spiritual foundation and a love for their faith. Through interactive lessons, activities, and stories, children are introduced to the essential teachings of Islam in a fun and memorable way


Key Features:

  1. Age-Appropriate Curriculum:
    • Basic Beliefs (Aqeedah): Introduction to the core beliefs in Islam, including the concept of Tawhid (the oneness of Allah), the Prophets, and the Hereafter.
    • Islamic Practices (Ibadah): Teaching the fundamentals of daily prayers, fasting, zakat (charity), and other acts of worship.
    • Moral and Ethical Lessons: Emphasizing good manners, kindness, honesty, and other Islamic virtues through stories and practical examples.
  2. Qualified Instructors:
    • Experienced Educators: Instructors with experience in teaching young children and a deep understanding of Islamic teachings.
    • Child-Friendly Approach: Use of interactive methods and positive reinforcement to make learning enjoyable and effective.
  3. Interactive Learning Environment:
    • Engaging Lessons: Interactive classes that include storytelling, games, crafts, and multimedia presentations to capture children’s interest.
    • Group Activities: Encouraging teamwork and collaboration through group projects and discussions.
  4. Supportive Resources:
    • Study Materials: Access to colorful books, worksheets, and online resources designed specifically for young learners.
    • Parent Involvement: Resources and guidance for parents to support their children’s learning at home.
  5. Flexible Learning Options:
    • Online and In-Person Classes: Options to join online sessions or attend in-person classes, providing flexibility for different needs and preferences.
    • Convenient Schedules: Multiple class timings to accommodate various schedules.


Core Topics:


  1. Beliefs and Faith:
    • Understanding who Allah is and learning about His attributes.
    • Learning about the Prophets and their stories.
    • Introduction to the Quran and its significance.
  2. Worship and Rituals:
    • Learning how to perform daily prayers and understanding their importance.
    • Introduction to fasting during Ramadan and the significance of zakat.
    • Basics of cleanliness and hygiene in Islam.
  3. Good Manners and Character Building:
    • Teaching kindness, respect, honesty, and other good manners through stories and role-playing.
    • Encouraging empathy and helping others through community service projects.
  4. Islamic History and Culture:
    • Learning about important events in Islamic history and their lessons.
    • Understanding the diversity of Muslim cultures around the world.


Benefits of the Course:


  • Strong Faith Foundation: Instill a love for Islam and a strong spiritual foundation in young hearts.
  • Moral Development: Encourage the development of good character and ethical behavior from an early age.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage children in fun and educational activities that make learning about Islam enjoyable.
  • Family Involvement: Foster a supportive learning environment at home with resources and guidance for parents.



Enrollment for the Islamiyat For Kids Course is open year-round, allowing children to join at any time. This course is ideal for parents who want to provide their children with a solid understanding of Islam in a supportive, engaging, and interactive environment. Through this program, children will develop a love for their faith and a strong moral compass to guide them throughout their lives.


Our Aqaid course covers the essentials of Aqidah such as:

1- Belief in ALLAH

2- Belief in the angels

3- Belief in the Islamic holy books

4- Belief in the prophets and messengers

5- Belief in the Last Judgment and Resurrection

6- Belief in predestination.



The word Tajweed means’ proficiency’ or’ doing something good.’ When applied to the Quran it means giving its rights and dues to any letter of the Quran. When we recite the Quran and follow the rules that apply in various circumstances to each letter, we give the letter its right and by following the basic characteristics of each letter, we give it its due.


Namaz is the main way in which Muslims worship ALLAH Almighty. Salah is one of Islam’s five most powerful pillars. ALLAH Almighty has stated many times the advantages and importance of Salah in the Holy Quran. In this course, you will learn the following subjects. Rules and Regulations for Offering Prayer Sunnah For Salah When you can Break the Salah etc


In the Quran, Allah (SWT) strongly stresses Taharah. Body and cloth purification are known as taharah. Prophet (saw) said, “Cleanliness is half of faith. You’ll know Wudhu, Ghusl, Tayamum’s Fard (obligatory) acts, etc.


Memorizing the Quran means learning it by heart. We have a good online system for memorizing the Holy Quran. We Have an Excellent method for memorizing the Quran.

1-New lesson (every day)

2- Revision of newly memorized Lessons

It is the number of verses you have memorized in the last seven days of the Holy Quran.


The six kalimas are recorded in various knowledge books and recited by people around the globe. We’ve put these kalimas together for kids to memorize and understand the fundamental values of a Muslim.


One should always pray for all one’s needs to ALLAH Almighty. Our blessed Prophet has taught us several special prayers at various times of night and day. He also Taught us some occasional Duas like, Dua when you wake up, when you get up to bed, before your dinner or when you eat meals, when you get stuffed, when you get into the mosque and come out, when you go in and out, when you go to the bathroom and get out of it, when you dress and look in the mirror. Once you get to eat you get stuffed.


The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “Whosever held my Sunnah dear, held me dear whosever held me dear will be with me in Paradise. (Tirmidhi). May Allah Almighty grant us the strength to follow in the footsteps of our beloved Prophet (Ameen). In this course, we will teach different sunnahs. Sunnah is related to Drinking water, food, and so on.


Children’s Tarbiyah is important in Islam. Tarbiyah is very important for kids to follow Islam in the right way. Therefore, some Islamic scholars examine these Tarbiyah details more closely than other scholars


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